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GACP Publications

Special Issue of Journal of the Amospheric Sciences

This issue was published February 2002 as Volume 59 Number 3 of JAS. To receive a free copy of the special issue, please e-mail a request to Michael Mishchenko (

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EDITORIAL: Global Aerosol Climatology Project. M. Mishchenko, J. Penner, and D. Anderson.
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Alexandrov, M.D., A.A. Lacis, B.E. Carlson, B. Cairns, Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases by means of multi-filter rotating shadowband radiometer. Part I: Retrieval algorithm.

Alexandrov, M.D., A.A. Lacis, B.E. Carlson, B. Cairns, Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases by means of multi-filter rotating shadowband radiometer. Part II: Climatological applications.

Bergstrom, R.W., P.B. Russell and P. Hignett, On the Wavelength Dependence of the Absorption of Black Carbon Particles: Predictions and Results from the TARFOX Experiment and Implications for the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo.
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Chin, M., P. Ginoux, S. Kinne, O. Torres, B.N. Holben, B.N. Duncan, R.V. Martin, J.A. Logan, A. Higurashi, and T. Nakajima, Tropospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness from the GOCART Model and Comparisons with Satellite and Sunphotometer Measurements.
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Chou, M.-D., P.-K. Chan, M. Wang, Aerosol Radiative Forcing Derived from Sea WIFS-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Properties.
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Chowdhary, J., B. Cairns, L.D. Travis, Case Studies of Aerosol Retrievals over the Ocean from Multi-Angle, Multi-Spectral Photo-Polarimetric Remote Sensing Data.

Christopher, S.A., and J. Zhang, Daytime Variation of Shortwave Direct Radiative Forcing of Biomass Burning Aerosols from GOES-8 Imager.
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Clarke, A.D., and V.N. Kapustin, A Pacific Aerosol Survey - Part I: a Decade of Data on Particle Production, Transport, Evolution and Mixing in the Troposphere.
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Coakley, J.A., Jr., and C.D. Walsh, Limits to the Aerosol Indirect Radiative Effect Derived from Observations of Ship Tracks.
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Dubovik, O., B.N. Holben, T.E. Eck, A. Smirnov, Y.J. Kaufman, M.D. King, D. Tanré, I. Slutsker, Variability of Absorption and Optical Properties of Key Aerosol Types Observed in Worldwide Locations.
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Garrett, T.J., P.V. Hobbs, and L.F. Radke, High Aitken Nucleus Concentrations Above Cloud Tops in the Arctic.
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Garrett, T.J., L.F. Radke, and P.V. Hobbs, Aerosol Effects on Cloud Emissivity and Surface Longwave Heating in the Arctic.
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Geogdzhayev, I.V., M.I. Mishchenko, W.B. Rossow, B. Cairns, A.A. Lacis, Global Two-Channel AVHRR Retrievals of Aerosol Properties over the Ocean for the Period of NOAA-9 Observations and Preliminary Retrievals Using NOAA-7 and NOAA-11 Data.

Han, Q., W.B. Rossow, J. Zeng, and R. Welch, Three Different Behaviors of Liquid Water Path of Water Clouds in Aerosol-Cloud Interactions.

Harshvardhan, S.E. Schwartz, C.M. Benkovitz, G. Guo, Aerosol Influence on Cloud Microphysics Examined by Satellite Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling.
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Ignatov, A., and L. Stowe, Aerosol Retrievals from Individual AVHRR Channels: I. Retrieval Algorithm and Transition from DAVE' to 6S Radiative Transfer Model.
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Ignatov, A., and L. Stowe, Aerosol Retrievals from Individual AVHRR Channels: II. Quality Control, Probability Distribution Functions, Information Content, and Consistency Checks of Retrievals.
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Kaufman, Y.J., D. Tanré, B.N. Holben, S. Mattoo, L.A. Remer, T.F.Eck, J. Vaughan and Bernadette Chatenet, Aerosol radiative impact on spectral solar flux at the surface, derived from principal plane sky measurements.
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Knapp, K., and L.L. Stowe, Evaluating the Potential for Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth over Land from AVHRR Pathfinder Atmosphere Data.
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Lohmann, U., Possible Aerosol Effects on Ice Clouds via Contact Nucleation.
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Menon, S., A.D. Del Genio, D. Koch and G. Tselioudis, GCM Simulations of the Aerosol Indirect Effect: Sensitivity to Cloud Parameterization and Aerosol Burden.

Panchenko, M.V., and S.A. Terpugova, Reconstruction of the Scattering Coefficient in the Lower Troposphere Using Ground-Based Measurements.
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Penner J.E., S.Y. Zhang, M. Chin, C.C. Chuang, J. Feichter, Y. Feng, I.V. Geogdzhayev, P. Ginoux, M. Herzog, A. Higurashi, D. Koch, C. Land, U. Lohmann, M. Mishchenko, T. Nakajima, G. Pitari, B. Soden, I. Tegen, L. Stowe, A Comparison of Model-and Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth and Reflectivity.

Pitari, G., E. Mancini, V. Rizi, and D.T. Shindell, Impact of Future Climate and Emission Changes on Stratospheric Aerosols and Ozone.

Polonsky, I.N., and M.A. Box, Perturbation Technique to Retrieve Scattering Medium Stratification.
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Remer, L.A., Y.J. Kaufman, Z. Levin, S. Ghan, Model Assessment of the ability of MODIS to measure top of Atmosphere Direct radiative Forcing from Smoke Aerosols.
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Russell, P.B., J. Redemann, B. Schmid, R.W. Bergstrom, J.M. Livingston, D.M. McIntosh, S.A. Ramirez, S. Hartley, P.V. Hobbs, P.K. Quinn, C.M. Carrico, M.J. Rood, E. Öström, K.J. Noone, W. von Hoyningen-Huene, and L. Remer, Comparison of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedos Derived by Diverse Techniques in Two North Atlantic Experiments.
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Sakerin, S.M., and D.M. Kabanov, Spatial Inhomogeneities and the Spectral Behavior of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth over the Atlantic Ocean.
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Smirnov, A., B.N. Holben, O. Dubovik, N.T. O'Neill, T.F. Eck, D.L. Westphal, A.K. Goroch, C. Pietras, and I. Stutsker, Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Properties in the Persian Gulf Region.
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Smirnov, A., B.N. Holben, Y.J. Kaufman, O. Dubovik, T.F. Eck, I. Slutsker, C. Pietras, and R.N. Halthore, Optical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol in Maritime Environments.
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Torres, O., P.K. Bhartia, J.R. Herman, A. Sinyuk, P. Ginoux and B. Holben, A Long-term Record of Aerosol Optical Depth from TOMS Observations and Comparison to AERONET Measurements.
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Weaver, C.J., P. Ginoux, N.C. Hsu, M.-D. Chou and J. Joiner, Radiative Forcing of Saharan Dust: Gocart Model Simulations Compared with Erbe Data.

Wong, J., and Z. Li, Retrieval of Optical Depth for Heavy Smoke Aerosol Plumes: Uncertainties and Sensitivities to the Optical Properties.

Zhao T.X.-P., L.L. Stowe, A. Smirnov, D. Crosby, J. Sapper, and C.R. McClain, Development of a Global Validation Package for Satellite Oceanic Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval Based on AERONET Observations and its Application to NOAA / NESDIS Operational Aerosol Retrievals.
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